Deciding when to book your Tampa newborn portraits is important, as it is will be a cherished memory that captures the innocent early days of your newborn. These photos will serve as a timeless keepsake that preserve the fleeting moments such as tiny little fingers and toes as such, deciding when to book your Tampa, newborn photos is a decision that will require careful consideration on this important life change.

Factors to consider when scheduling your newborn photo session.

  1. Age of your newborn baby

As a newborn photographer in Tampa Florida, I always suggest that the ideal time to schedule your newborn photos is within the first two weeks of life. During this time, Babies are more likely to sleep deeply, curl up naturally into the adorable poses that you see on my website, and their delicate features are tiny and new. When photographing a baby, photographers like to capture these tiny details because they change so quickly. Newborns are often born with wrinkled skin, fuzzy hair, and sometimes skin flakes. It’s amazing that those tiny details can be gone within 2 weeks!

2. Your recovery after birth

It is essential to consider the mother’s recovery when scheduling newborn photos. I always tell my client to go home, take a shower, and then let me know when they are ready for their newborn session.. Typically, mothers need a little bit of time to recuperate after childbirth and if there are any complications during delivery, they will probably need more. Scheduling the session when the mother feels comfortable and ready to participate can give you better results and a more relaxed and enjoyable experience for everybody involved.

3. Photographer’s availability

It is important when you are looking for a newborn photographer to find someone reputable. After all, they are handling your brand new baby. The well-being of your baby depends on someone trained to pose and execute them safely. Experienced photographers, often have limited slots available for their newborn sessions, so booking early will ensure that you secure a spot during the timeframe that you need. Most photographers suggest reaching out in your second trimester to secure the due date.

4. Seasonal considerations

We will never know the exact date a baby will arrive. However, we do use the due date to plan around. Most photographers put the due date down on their calendar, and when baby arrives, move the date to an actual appointment. Depending on your due date, avoiding newborn photos during hectic holiday seasons can sometimes be difficult. Planning ahead early and booking can give you assurance that your session is secure without worry.

Ready to book your Tampa newborn photos?

Once again, booking your newborn photos at the right time, will involve considering factors such as the age, your recovery, and your photographers availability. By taking these factors into account and planning ahead to book your newborn session, you can ensure an enjoyable photo session that captures the timeless beauty of your brand new baby.